A downloadable game for Windows and Android

In Statera, you play as a character created by the nature to help it heal itself. Through puzzles and exploration, you will discover and use your powers to fix this world.


Statera is a student game made by Anaya IdouakassJulien Hypolite and Florian Barnier as a part of our 2nd year of game design studies at ETPA in Toulouse (France). We had to make a mobile game about ecology and environment, and all worked on code, graphics, game design, level design and environment art.


The game takes between 45 minutes and 1 hour to finish. There is no save system at this time, sorry for that (but we might add one someday!).


Android version (recommended)
Windows version

Install instructions

Android version: please note that this game requires a fairly powerful phone in order to run correctly.

Windows version: As the game was built for mobile, there might be some minor problems with the PC version.  You can use your mouse to move or interact, and the arrow keys of your keyboard to rotate the camera and zoom in and out.

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